The Dressed Bird!!
These are the images that carry my thoughts
and the lights that line the course of our voyage
still life memoirs to our tongues or
messages carried until renewal thwarts…
watch…. the dressed bird leaning on a pole, pale and dark tonight is the 4th of July
we walk in herds toward the lake like crusaders to witness i fuochi d’artifico
haunted by secrets, the old paths are burnished and cobble stoned - releasing an air and awe…we return to monuments of Chicago
which have sunken into Lake Michigan during a terrible snow storm
all that remains is Starbucks che finge a fare i cappuccini
July in a silt sky… sun shining through the city buzz, a hazy Chicago on Rush Street
at midday
compare the crisp Italian sun so bright and the one that smacks down in Miami…
We have walked down dreamer’s streets, have dared to kiss the men’s lips
passer-byes & transient clouds we listened to the poorly dressed Algerian mago near la Notre Dames who made us laugh at such disappearing cigarettes…where are you tonight my magic cat?
our coffee cools in the summer breath of the city…in any city: enter the gates to a myriad of burnished paths, cobble stoned and lost beneath time and history…
Open the doors of any home to witness love and maintenance while
underground tunnels of people get flushed by trains d’avanti e dietro in
une nuit Parisien s’il vous plait!